Looking to raise money for your organization? Dining To Donate events are the perfect way to start!
How does the Dining To Donate Program work?
Step 2: Setup
We approve your event and setup a customer landing page & email a customized promotional flyer and voucher for your event. You will get an approval response within 3-5 business days.
Step 3: Recruit Volunteers
Your event will not be successful without your organization working as a team. Recruit volunteers to share your event details on social media, hand-out flyers, reach-out to supporters & hand-out the vouchers to them. You should also recruit volunteers to be present at your Applebee’s location during prime hours of your event.
Step 4: Remind Supporters
Make sure that you have a way to remind your family, friends and fellow supporters of your event during the couple of days leading up. (hint: email is a great way to do this, if you collect their addresses beforehand)
Step 5: Dine With Us
Be present the day of your event (open-close, lunch & dinner) & dine with us. Be sure that you & your fellow supporters turn-in their vouchers upon paying—we will send you a check worth 10% of sales generated by your guests, before tax & gratuity.